Friday, October 14, 2016

It Finally Happened: America Gave up the Internet to the UN

It Finally Happened: America Gave up the Internet to the UN

Wayne Levi Price - Tribulation Saints


Now we just have to play the waiting game. The nice fox is now in charge of the chicken house, and we are the chickens. Literally almost anything can happen in time as a result of handing it over to the UN. I'm still not clear as to actually how much power and influence "they" will have. The UN doesn't recognize any 1st Amendment rights. We've already seen some very inconsistent censorship, for example on twitter, where someone may be muted for something small and inconsequential while another person is simply allowed to call for violence against individuals. Americans are not aware that the Canadian government has, for twenty years, attempted to censor websites through threats to American-based internet service providers. Now that same government, and many much worse, will have a say on what will happen with free speech. Dozens of very powerful special interests around the world are just salivating at the possibilities.


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