Friday, November 1, 2019


Trial of Catalonia independence leaders

Using the reasoning of the Spanish government, the United States is illegal. Americans of the 18th century did not rise up against the British. They WERE the British! They fought against their own government for independence. Only in this case, Catalonians are a different nation, with a different language. Furthermore, the Spanish government defeated many other nations by force, so who's to say what is "legitimate?" It's really no different than Corsica, the Basque Country, and numerous other nations by culture and language; most often only subjugated due to military conquest. How about dragging Javier Zaragoza and the other prosecuters into the World Court in handcuffs and leg irons, kicking and screaming.... that sounds more like justice than the ending result of this. Of course, nothing is really ever "over" is it?


11-5-19 ADDITION: I wanted to add the following image here.

Catalonia and Lombardia


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