Filippo Mazzei and Antonio Meucci are two significant Italian-American figures in American history, both of Tuscan descent. Mazzei was a physician and businessman, who lived in the American colonies before and during the American Revolution. A friend of Thomas Jefferson, some of the contents of his letters became key parts of the wording in the American Constitution. Antonio Meucci is often credited, both in Italy and among Italian-American institutions, as the inventor of the telephone.I'll just make this brief. In all likelihood, Meucci didn't invent the telephone. Intrinsically, "patents" are vastly overrated and prove nothing. He may very well have been right up there with the top minds in that particular area of research, but that doesn't mean he invented the telephone. You can take one single invention and produce twenty different patents from twenty different people! My educated guess is that he didn't invent the telephone. There are scores an scores of inventors from Northern Italy in particular, and there is no need to demand that Meucci was the inventor of the telephone. It has been hard to get at the truth in this issue because of tremendous bias, both for and against.Filippo Mazzei, on the other hand, is vastly, vastly underrated! Although an aristocrat, he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. He did far more than given credit for! It wasn't just some letters, but he tirelessly recruited regiments from Piedmont, from his native Tuscany, and elsewhere. He traveled throughout Europe, promoting the American revolutionary cause. He also served as an agent, purchasing arms for Virginia during the Revolutionary War. He was a true revolutionary! Upon his eulogy, Thomas Jefferson credited him with being one of America's founders.
I would like to thank "insubria87" for his posts in the PAL Yahoo Club. I just wanted to comment on two of the articles that he had posted recently, which I thought went hand-in-hand, and applied dramatically to the future of America, Italy, and the entire world. Actually, the message archive on Yahoo is down currently, but I will just go by memory. One news item was regarding Italian center-left leader Romano Prodi, a well-known frontman for the bankers who are behind the EU and UN, who has openly stated that Globalization is inevitable, and that we must embrace it. It is true that very powerful entities like the World Bank are full steam ahead with this grand plan.
There are an endless slew of inconsistencies. I will just name a couple. One is that the U.S. government, with our tax dollars, funds 50 million abortions in the third world each year. This has gone on for over 20 years, and you can do the math. Regardless of what anyone's position is on abortion, isn't it inconsistent to abort all those children while promoting almost daily "saving the world's children" at the same time? If famous Irish musician Bono is so deeply concerned with the world's children, why has he not mentioned this policy? Second, global warming. Depleted uranium dust, being dropped by the tonage in Iraq, and with a shelf life of about 22 billion years, is also a major environmental concern, as one speck of it can fry your insides. This is an eco-disaster of epic proportions! Why doesn't Al Gore mention this? Where's the media? When he ran for Vice-President in 1991, Gore promised time and time again that the very first thing he would do is meet with a panel of experts to find new sources of environmentally friendly energy. In 8 years, he did nothing of the sort. In fact, he was part of the power structure which killed the electric car. Everyone should see the new documentary 'Who Killed the Electric Car?' Where's the Hollywood crowd on this issue?
The other story posted on the club message board was a story from Italy regarding the struggles of Italian immigrants to America a century ago, and how it relates to the massive influx of third world immigration to Italy today. Italian immigrants, overwhemingly from Southern Italy, did not have it any worse than any other non-English speaking European immigrants of that time period. Irish immigrants, who had arrived earlier, for a host of reasons, acutally were treated worse overall. Anyway, these two issues are apples and oranges! As far as whether a flood of immigrants from every corner of the world should be allowed to enter Italy, well, I can't answer that for you. I'm just stating facts and posing questions here. Personally, I think every people need an exclusive homeland of their own, just like Israel, although I don't agree with their methodology. The World Bank has actually demanded that countries like Russia (who are planning on building up their own population from within), to accept more immigrants from the third world. Regardless of your position on that, is it unreasonable to be concerned with this type of "Global Authority," on ANY issue! The CEO's of American-based transnational corporations, who have abused people and the environment around the world, not to mention our national economy and sovereignty, will never see the "World Court." What if a mad dictator or group took over this global authority some day? Who would stand against them??